In the South, it's always warm enough to have ice cream. One would think ice cream shops would abound but here in the Sunshine State it can be darn tricky to find one. Luckily for us, Bradentown Scoop, and old- fashioned soda fountain & ice cream parlor, is just a few blocks up the road serving icy treats and a whole lot of fun if you stop in on a day Jamie is working.

The ice cream parlor is literally a story of reclaiming the past. Located in the historic area of Bradenton that was once Manatee village, the building that houses the ice cream shop was rescued from disrepair and renovated some years ago. Various small business occupy portions of the building. The building's owner, who also owns the ice cream parlor, was contacted through the local historical society when a beautiful onyx bar that lights up was acquired from an arcade that had gone out of business. The soda fountain portion of the bar came from Chicago and an old soda fountain in need of refurbishing is in the small kitchen area awaiting return to its former glory. There are period antiques decorating the shop, many of which are for sale. With its high, airy ceilings and big checkerboard square floors, the shop is a pleasure to visit. But the biggest pleasures wait inside the coolers and in the creative minds of the soda jerks behind the counter.

It's fair to say that Jamie has a lot to do with the fabulous creations that are happily consumed: one, because he is the manager; two, because he enjoys making food look as good as it tastes. What's ironic is that ice cream parlors and soda fountains are not something most Brits grow up knowing about, let alone visit. People are always surprised to find an Englishman greeting them when they walk in the shop. They are even more surprised to see him on the sidewalk throwing yo-yo between curbside customers in the early morning hours when the shop sells hot coffee and fresh donuts to commuters. He's becoming a bit of a celebrity and thanks to a
newspaper article, and a spot on a local news program, it's more than just the locals who are coming in and asking for sundaes and a couple of yo-yo tricks.

But when the scoop meets the cone, the star of the parlor is the

wonderful ice cream from
Working Cow Ice Cream in St. Petersburg. It is beautiful on its own or topped up heartily with sauces and sprinklings. Our favorites right now are Espresso Chocolate Chip and Salted Caramel, but there may be a tub of Chocolate Chipotle in the offering soon and that's going to mean I ride my bike down for a test scoop in a home made waffle cone. Some things just must be done.

And of course there is the soda fountain and the chance to have your drink made in front of you. Some ice, a few shots of your favorite flavor or flavors, a skillful addition of the bubbly water, a little stir and voila, cold and refreshing sips await.

The soda fountain portion of the business has induced the most nostalgia for folks stopping in. Jamie has met several former soda jerks, now well into their 80s, who have shared recipes and techniques. As there are only three working soda fountains in the entire state of Florida, it's a bit poignant to realize this little portion of Americana barely survives. Perhaps that explains the looks of pure delight on the faces of the retired folks when they sip a chocolate ice cream soda that tastes as good as the ones they drank back in the fifties. It doesn't get much sweeter than that.